김휘동 (Kim, Whi Dong) 사진
김휘동 (Kim, Whi Dong)
한국생산기술연구원 선임연구원
2011년 2월 부산대 나노융합기술학과 석사학위 취득
- 2011-2016: KAIST (Ph.D., Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering)
- 2009-2011: Pusan National University (M.S., Nanofusion Technology)
- 2006-2009: Pusan National Universiy (B.S., Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
- Controlled Growth of Carbon Nanotubes via. the Combination of Pulsed Laser Ablation and Thermal CVD Processes
- Enhancement of the Peformance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
- Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Carbon Nanotubes-Polymer Thin Films
- Best Oral Presentation Award in 2010 Korean Association for Particle and Aerosol Research
(2010 한국입자에어로졸학회 우수논문발표상수상, 2010년 7월 2일)
- Samsung Human Tech. Award (삼성휴먼테크논문상:장려상수상, 2010년 2월 24일)
[1] Park, S. Y. et al., Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2010, 94:750-754. (IF 4.593) [Co-Author]
[2] Kim, W. D. et al., Journal of Colloid Interface and Science, 2011, 362:261-266. (IF 3.066) [1st Author]
[3] Kim, W. D. et al., Journal of Nanomaterials, 2011, 2011:736219. (IF 1.675) [1st Author]
[4] Ahn, J. Y. et al., Journal of Nanomaterials, 2011, 2011:216709. (IF 1.675) [Co-Author]
[5] Ahn, J. Y. et al., Powder Technology, 2011, 211:65-71. (IF 1.887) [Co-Author]
[6] He, W. et al., Current Applied Physics, 2011, 11:S320-S323. (IF 1.900) [Co-Author]
[7] Kim, W. D. et al., Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012, 7:202. (IF 2.726) [1st author]
[8] Ahn, J. Y. et al., Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 188:216-221. (IF 3.074) [Co-Author]